
10 things I did not know before coming to the UAE

1. Emiratis do not use Arabic numerals (as we know them) 
2. Arabic is read right to left but numbers are read left to right
3. Trees are an urban occurrence
4. Hotels double up as pubs
5. You don't appreciate good traffic engineers until, well, you don't see good traffic engineering
6. Driving at 140 km/h is snail pace
7.  Middle easterners are worried about Ramadan becoming commercialized
8. Taxis are cheaper than Shenzhen
9. Boiled tap water is still capable of giving one tummy aches
10. A good night out does not have to involve alcohol, just some good mint tea and shisha

1 comment:

Mei 許美琪 said...

pls post some pic!!! :P
