






那时大概小三或小四吧。我正兴高采烈地跟一位大姐姐形容一部武侠电影里的打斗情形 - 就是大侠如何用筷子筒接恶人扔向他的夺命筷子。我用手演绎此景,姐姐马上说别弄那手势,因为这是个不好的手势!老实说,若姐姐没那反应,我也不会意识到原来那手势是不雅的,而这件事我也根本不会记得。好了,姐姐的一番道德教诲反而教会了我我不应该知道的东西。其实那 F 字骂人的脏话我也是这么学的。那时候好像小二吧。我和妈妈在咖啡店里,我看见外头的墙上涂鸦了4个字母。我问妈妈是什么,妈妈很不高兴地说是很不好的东西。这下子,我学会了。

所以说嘛,那两岁的小孩会知道亲嘴是什么东西吗?两岁大的小孩说的亲嘴概念上和大人一样吗? 她妈妈如果不搭理,小孩兴许把事情忘了,然后单纯地多过几年?现在事情闹大了,小孩也懂了。两岁呀,太早了点吧!


On the BBC last week, a British couple were sentenced to a month's jail in the UAE for kissing in public. A 2 year old local girl who happened to be in the same restaurant with her mother, told her mother she saw the two kissing on the mouth. Her mother was very angry that a 2 year old be allowed to see such an immoral act in public, and promptly called the police. The extent of the kiss I am not sure, but couple was consequently charged with breaking decency laws in the country.

This is not a post about respecting laws in other countries. I think most laws in most countries should be respected. So far I have problems with chopping off hands and the death penalty (in service in my own country), but I have a right to my own views, and I'd go all the way out to avoid getting into trouble. No point whinging when you should have known better.

I'm writing because it brought back some memories.

Guess how I learnt my first rude hand gesture?

I was in primary three or four, and was excitedly trying to describe to a (much) older friend a scene from a martial arts film, where the good guy caught chopsticks hurled at him by the bad guy with a bamboo chopstick holder. I used hand gestures to illustrate, and my friend immediately stopped me and said I had just done a bad gesture. Now, if she had not said anything, I would never have known that the gesture is rude, and would have just forgotten about the whole thing. But because she reacted, I learnt something I should not have.

The F word was acquired the same way. One day when  I was in primary two sitting in a coffeeshop with my mum, I noticed a four lettered graffiti on a wall outside. I asked mum what it meant, and mum said in a very annoyed tone that it's a very bad word. So there you go, it stuck. These unsavory things I would have picked up  sooner or later, but the way I went about acquiring them is interesting - from the very people trying to protect me. 

So I wonder had her mother's reaction been different, maybe the little girl would simply forget about the matter, and continue with her blissful innocent life (for a few more years anyway).The whole point is to protect children's innocence, is it not? But now she knows. Two years of age is a bit early to be aware of mouth kissing, don't you think?

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